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g file造句

"g file"是什么意思  
  • Eleven G Files awards were presented in 2015.
  • P & AMP; G filed a lawsuit against Bankers Trust, seeking recovery of its derivatives losses.
  • Containing the MP3 + G file pair in the ZIP became known as an " MP3 + G Zipped ".
  • P & AMP; G filed a lawsuit against the bank that is set to come to trial early next year.
  • Last month P & AMP; G filed a non-secret motion to expand the lawsuit with new charges of racketeering and fraud.
  • Unhappy with the situation, G filed a lawsuit against this version of the group and attempted to gain the rights to the Bucks Fizz name.
  • Moreover, Kamsky could not be prevented from opening the g file in front of the king with the standard attack, 15 g4 and 16 g5.
  • P & AMP; G filed suit last year, accusing Bankers Trust of responsibility for $ 102 million in losses the consumer products company incurred from investments in derivatives.
  • P & AMP; G filed suit in 1994, saying Bankers Trust was responsible for $ 102 million in losses the consumer products company incurred from investments in derivatives.
  • Following this potentially lucrative possibility, in 1975, P & G filed a new request with the FDA to use olestra as a " drug ", specifically to lower cholesterol levels.
  • It's difficult to see g file in a sentence. 用g file造句挺难的
  • When these tests were completed, P & G filed for approval as a food additive for up to 35 % replacement of fats in home cooking and 75 % in commercial uses.
  • P & AMP; G filed suit last year, accusing Bankers Trust of responsibility for $ 102 million in losses the consumer products company incurred from investment in derivatives it bought from the bank.
  • They sign contracts agreeing to exchange cash every six months or so, but P & AMP; G filed its lawsuit just before its first payment was due and never handed over any money.
  • P & AMP; G filed a motion to amend its suit September 1 to include a claim that Bankers Trust violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations ( RICO ) Act, the bank said.
  • P & AMP; G filed a motion Sept . 1 to amend its suit to include a claim that Bankers Trust violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations ( RICO ) Act, the bank said.
  • A recent NYSE & AMP; G filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission indicates the company plans to put aside $ 48.6 million for executives with the rank of vice president and above, and $ 3.5 million for its directors.
  • *Note : " Suicide " was featured in the 2003 video-game " True Crime : Streets of LA " under the name " What U Wanna Do ", suggesting it was an unreleased track until " The G Files ".
  • The lawsuit was one of several Cincinnati-based P & amp; G filed after rumors began circulating in the early 1980s that the company's logo _ a bearded, crescent man-in-the-moon looking over a field of 13 stars _ was a symbol of Satanism.
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